Tuesday 9 November 2010

A white Tryfan

[caption id="attachment_115" align="aligncenter" width="1024" caption="Sunrise over Capel Curig"]Sunrise over Capel Curig[/caption]

I woke around 5.30am for breakfast and the usual morning routine, anyone who knows ulcerative colitis will know what that consists of. Anyway, I had breakfast with what looked like cloud covering the surrounding mountain tops, great I thought, a distinct lack of view. As the sun started to rise it appeared we had a sprinkling of the white stuff on the higher ground, this made the day a little more interesting.

[caption id="attachment_114" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Pen Yr Ole Wen"][/caption]

After a few photos of the valley, sunrise and white topped mountains we headed of to the layby, one of the first to arrive at the base of Tryfan that day, Very doubtful to be the first to the summit though.

We didn't exactly have a planned route up to the top, just whatever looked interesting and took our fancy. This proved to be a good plan, and tested my confidence and climbing abilities(virtually non existent) to the limit. I swear there were a couple of moments where I was close to taking the quick (unintentional) route down the mountain.

[caption id="attachment_124" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Looking North form halfway point."][/caption]


The snow and ice made the going pretty tough in places but alot of fun too. We seemed to hit a band of cloud three quarters of the way up but once on top the view was, again, fantastic. Clear blue skies greeted us, temperature was ok but a jumping Adam and Eve was out of the question, just a tad icey on top would of made for an interesting landing.

[caption id="attachment_125" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="No leaping today, way to icy on top!"][/caption]

After a short stop and chat to other folks lucky enough to enjoy the summit that day we headed over Far South Peak of Tryfan and worked our way down the valley passed Llyn Bochlwyd passing some stunning waterfalls and features on the way down. Once back at the van it was a quick change out of the soggy cold clothes, make a fresh cuppa and fill the flask with hot water for the journey home.

Well I enjoyed my first bit of scrambling and climbing in snowy conditions, I've hiked/walked in snowy conditions many a time but this was so much fun.

Lets just say it's the tip of the iceberg, literally.

What a weekend!
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