Sunday 13 February 2011

All bunged up

Still blocked up, been 4 days now. There is a little discharge coming out of Stumpy but not really what it should be. Got abdominal craps/pains which are starting to get a little annoying now. I've tried massaging my abdomen (which I'm rubbish at) the hot water bottle works great to relieve the discomfort but it comes back after a few hours.

Not sure what caused it, whether it's because I've eaten too much meat in a week, too many coffees in a day, I've not really sure to be honest. But I shall be phoning the stoma nurses tomorrow for any hints and tips.

Oh the joys of an ileostomy!

On the plus side, I'm back to work tomorrow, just hope I remember what to do! Starting on half duties, which in Worcester Bosch terms means flat out work load!
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